Cottbus United is a network of BIPOC, migrants and post-migrants who live in Cottbus. Our mission is to fight against racism and discrimination in all its forms, whether due to origin, religion or skin colour. We fight for our rights, for a diverse city, and for a different Cottbus.
  • Creating spaces

    We need and demand spaces where we can meet, exchange experiences and become organised.
  • Networking

    We wish to network with each other and speak about our experiences so that we may put forward our demands together.
  • Calling for change

    We are committed to taking concrete measures against racism in Cottbus, whether they occur on the streets, in the courts, with the police, at city hall or in our schools.

Want to get involved with Cottbus United?

  • Contact us
  • Come to a Cottbus United meeting (information to follow shortly)
  • Join our WhatsApp group
  • Let your friends and acquaintances know about Cottbus United. We need to grow!

Want to support Cottbus United?

  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Download our booklets on everyday racism in Cottbus
  • Distribute our posters, stickers and booklets (see below to order)
  • Attend our events (information to follow). More activities will be held soon!
  • Order booklets, posters and stickers
  • Read our 3 digital booklets